Code of Conduct
All NASC participants
With the amount we have grown, we can only guarantee that only Norton School District residents will be guaranteed a spot within NASC.
All non Norton residents you can sign your child up and if there is enough room in your child/childrens age group they will be placed on a team
If there is not enough room for your child at the end of registration you will receive an email stating this and you will receive a full refund.
All teams will be coed unless the following
If enough girls sign up for travel (U9 and up) there will be an all girls team formed.
Does not apply to the U6 groups
All practices are closed. As a parent or guardian, you are not permitted to stand or sit on the sidelines and watch the practice. You may do the following for practices:
Sit in your car and watch
Exercise or walk the perimeter of the facility
Socialize in the parking lot with other parents
If parents are not following this request, the Board President will approach your child's coach and have them send your child to gather their things. You will be asked to leave.
We need to allow these coaches to run their practices without interruptions from the side lines.
Coaches questions
Approaching coaches
As a parent you are not permitted to approach coaches, at any time, regarding any of the following:
Playing time
Playing position
Issues of any sort
Any sort of complaint or issue
Any type of complaint or request for your child needs to come directly to Board President.
Our coaches are volunteers. They need to be able to focus on coaching your children in the sport of soccer. Any type of issue or complaint needs to come directly to the Board President via email or text message, so that we have a paper trail. If there is an emergency contact Board President immediately.
The Board President will be visiting the fields during various games this season. If he/she sees a parent not following these guidelines/approaching a coach, you will be asked to leave. If this happens a second time, you will no longer be able to participate in the current soccer season and will have a one year suspension from Norton soccer.
(While this may seem like a very extreme consequence or situation, we have to keep everyone safe and do what is best for the kids.)
If you want to tell the coach great game, thank you, or give encouragement, that is permitted following the game. Just to be clear that you are not permitted to approach a coach at any time about an issue or complaint.
U9 and Up
This is a competitive league, and we are no longer playing amongst our own Norton teams. We are playing against other communities with potential playoffs at the end of the season.
Your child is not guaranteed playing time like they were in U4, U6, and U8 leagues.
In the fall, a lot of players are going to age up from U8 to U9 and we want to make sure that everyone is clear on what to expect.
Players are to sit on one side of the field, but parents are not permitted to sit on the same side as the players (unless at Manchester because their layout is different.) This includes all ages and teams.
The coaches need to be able to coach the children without any interruptions from the parents or other kids (siblings) running up to the players on the benches.
Board Members will be monitoring this at games throughout the season. If this rule is broken in the younger leagues, the coaches or board member will have to ask you to move. If this rule is broken in U9 or above, (other than Manchester) the referee does not have to give a warning and can call the game. If that happens, your child’s team will be forced to forfeit the game and it counts as a loss for the season.
We are playing our games at public parks. If your child has an allergy to any type of animal that residents are permitted to bring to a public park, there is nothing we can do about that.
We have to follow the cities rules for the public parks.
Some teams are doing snacks and drinks after games.
If your child has a food allergy, email the board President and Coach stating your child’s food allergy.
We have come up with 3 options to keep every child safe (that's our number one goal at NASC) when it comes to food allergies. (Please let us know which option you choose for your child in that email as well.)
Your child will choose not to participate in the snack/drink after their game.
The parent/guardian can hand a bag to the child or snack person after the game with their child’s name on it. This allows us to make sure that your child receives something safe for them.
No snacks/drinks will be allowed for the entire team (team will not be given the option).
Let's treat Coaches, Players, Officials, and Fans with Respect and Courtesy.
Norton youth soccer